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The Windy City is popular for its fabulous lakeside location on Lake Michigan and its legendary art and architecture. Chicago’s skyline is pierced by emblematic skyscrapers, its streets burst with some of the US’s most sought-after shopping and the people are famously friendly. Let Netflights find you cheap flights to Chicago. Whether you are planning in advance or looking for last-minute flights, we can help you compare rates, airlines and routes available.

Chicago flight facts

what you need to know

How to land a low priced flight to Chicago

booking advice, visa information and airports and airlines tips

A legendary skyline

The 1,451-ft Willis Tower is the pride of Chicago and the tallest building in the US, closely followed by the iconic John Hancock Center and the neo-Gothic Tribune Tower. The city’s museums are also a magnet for tourists who flock to the Art Institute of Chicago with its high-profile Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works.

Explore the lakeside and river waterways
One of the most popular sightseeing tours for visitors taking flights to Chicago is a river tour, by steamer or even by canoe, of the imposing riverside architecture. Dinner cruises, water sports and luxury lake cruises also top the bill for the city’s unique attractions.

Use Netflights to help plan your Chicago flight

Whether you are searching for last-minute flights, or planning well in advance for the best bargains, our flexible flight search lets you choose your Chicago flight by date, by carrier, by route and number of stopovers, so you can be sure to find the best offers for cheap flights to Chicago - and the US too.

When to Go

The best times for Chicago flights are in the spring and autumn months of April through May and then again in September and October. The weather is pleasant at around 22 – 25 degrees Celsius and there are not as many crowds as in the summer months.
Prices are higher in summer and the tourist crowds more dense. Temperatures reach 29 degrees Celsius making this is the most popular time for visitors, with lakeside water sports being especially busy.

Winter brings the lowest fares for flights to Chicago, along with temperatures as low as minus six degrees Celsius. Even so, the lake is still popular for icy adventures and the city bustles with winter festivities.

Airports and airlines

For Chicago flights from the UK, just enter your departure city and Chicago as the destination. Optimise your search on the Netflights site by leaving the dates flexible so you can take advantage of the best available prices. Then select on one-way or return flights, carrier and number of stopovers. To find the best offers, book around seven to eight weeks in advance when prices tend to be lowest.

Chicago O’Hare Airport (ORD)

O’Hare Airport is 17 miles to the northwest of Chicago. Carriers operating both direct flights and flights with one stopover include American Airlines, Austrian Airlines Group, British Airways, Finnair, Lufthansa, SN Brussels Airlines and United Airlines. In addition, Virgin Atlantic, Delta, Air Canada offer indirect flights. You can also fly direct from Manchester and indirect flights operate from Edinburgh, Birmingham and other UK airports. Stopover locations include London, Dublin and Frankfurt. View more flights to Chicago O’Hare Airport.

Chicago Midway Airport (MDW)

There are no direct flights from the UK to Chicago Midway Airport, but indirect single and return flights are offered by Virgin Atlantic, Delta and Air France. View more flights to Chicago Midway Airport.

Getting around the airports

In O’Hare Airport, transport between terminals (ATS) is a free, 24-hour rail system operating between the domestic and the international terminal, parking facilities, the Kiss 'n' Fly drop-off point, and the PACE Bus stop. Note that through to June 2018, the ATS is closed overnight and a shuttle bus service will be provided when the ATS is not operating. In Midway Airport, there is one terminal and clear signage to the main concourse.

Getting to the city from the airports

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is the most economical option and the CTA Blue Line trains offer 24-hour service. The CTA Blue Line runs from the lower level of Terminal 2, which is accessible on foot. There are also regular shuttles and buses running between O’Hare Airport and the city centre, and direct to Midway Airport. From Midway Airport the CTA Orange Line operates from Midway to the city centre.

Don't forget before you fly

Most passport holders can get an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) through the Visa Waiver Programme, which allows travel to the US for up to 90 days. You should complete an online pre-registration form on the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) website, before you travel. The US Customs and Border Patrol recommends that you do this at least 72 hours before departure.

Key facts about Chicago know before you go

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